Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Have you ever get the feeling as if you know that person your whole life whereas you've only known each other a few months earlier???

Weird kan???

Tapi best kan?

Sharing the same hobbies, the same interest.

Getting to know each other better and discovered that you even have the same taste in musics, movies, books and food maybe.

But how long would it last ya? The excitement of meeting someone new.

Anyways, I'm not going anywhere with this. Sometimes it's just a phase of your life kan?

I would like to meet someone who is eccentric and unpretentious (cos I think KL is full of fake KLites). Male or female doesn't matter. I'm flexible.

Hey don't go biru on me. I meant for friendship la doink!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One of those days...

I've been getting the "one of those days" bug quite frequent these days.
Dont know why.

Hmmm.. Is it because of work? Or is it because of the things thats been going on in my life these past months.

I think I am just soooo tired of everything. Told a friend the same thing yesterday and he said "can you be more specific?"

I don't think I can cos I myself don't have the answer.

Last weekend was fun. Was planning with a friend to get away for the weekend just so that we can sit quietly and read books. A weekend getaway so that we can spend time to read books... Hmmmm.. Sounds weird when you actually say it out loud.

But anyways, that was the intial plan but turned out to be a camwhoring weekend!!! We didn't even have time to read books!! Buat penat ja bawa 2 books. Damn!!
I was the only one with point & shoot and a Lomo while the other 2 were armed with their mighty DSLRs.

This time though we managed to venture into Jonkers Street and found the coolest kedai ever. The shop owner is a famous artist, sadly he's only famous outside of Malaysia. I think Malaysian are not ready for his art. I don't know, maybe lah kan.

This shop jual t-shirt but not just ordinary tshirt. This is what I called Tshirt With Attitude. The designs were actually from his drawings and they're really kewwwwllllll!!!

I got sooo rambang mata!!! Macam wanna buy all the tshirt tapi no money so instead I bought 3 tshirts only. Must go there again nanti!!!

P/S: Lolli's new owner changed his name to Tiger. But he's happy with his new owner already. I miss him :(

Monday, June 2, 2008


Make a wish and place it in your heart.
Anything you want.
Everything you want.

Do you have it?

Now believe it can come true.
You never know when the next miracle is going to come from.
The next smile.
The next wish come true.

But if you believe that it's right around the corner.
And you open you heart and mind to the possibility of it.
To the certainty of it.
You might just get the thing you wishing for.

The world is full of magic.
You just have to believe in it.
So make your wish.

Do you have it?

Now believe in it.
With all your heart.