Wednesday, March 21, 2007

It would be wonderful...

if for once people would remember trivial facts about me such as;

1. I hate taugeh, can't stand the smell, can't stand the taste (Blueeehhhh!!!)

2. Don't like Quaker Oatmeal, the smell makes me sick

3. Go crazy over spotty cow, especially the black and whites..
- they're so adorable but not the real live cow la weiii!!!

4. Don't like plain water (no taste maaaa...)

5. Can live without TV, but will surely die without music

6. Have an ego the size of Mulu Caves

7. Totally in love with the color BLACK

8. Don't drink soya bean unless it freshly made

9. Loves chinese foods (my favouritest!!)

10. Damn proud to be a Sabahan!!

11. Can't whistle (This is true!! How pathetic kan??!!)

12. Have a few bank accounts with no money in it

13. Stopped drinking coffee at the age of 18 cos it makes my pee smells like coffee (yucks!!)

14. Very much in love with the feline family especially cats.
- special thanks to a friend for reminding me about this small fact :)

15. A gadgets freak

There you go people. 15 little known facts (or well known facts to some) about me that I can think of right now. I shall update it again as and when me teringat anymore facts.

Now people, be nice to the lady who can't whistle.....


Anonymous said...

u forgot u're a cat_lover..

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

i second to that princess... cows actually won over cats.. duhhh... p/s to the monkey: "dont delete tis one arrr...." muahaha..

Anonymous said...

i wonder whose comment dat monkey deleted..

clyde, u manage to read it ka?

Anonymous said...

princess, it was mine... heh...