Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Guerrilla Advertising

I stumbled upon a website today which have lists of some very interesting news, articles, pictures and video etc etc... Haven't looked into it all yet but so far these are my favourite..

Guerrilla marketing, as described by Jay Conrad Levinson in his popular 1984 book Guerrilla Marketing, is an unconventional way of performing promotional activities on a very low budget. Such promotions are sometimes designed so that the target audience is left unaware they have been marketed to and may therefore be a form of undercover marketing (also called stealth marketing). (an excerpt from Wikipedia)

Below are some examples of great guerrilla advertising (they are not from Malaysia though) but they are soooo good!! Brilliant!

This is my favourite. FedEx's excellent way of promoting their delivery speed.

Vacuum cleaner ad.

McDonald ad.

Watch ad. You can even try it on to see how it looks on your wrist :)

Beer ad in a bus

Casino ad on an airport conveyor belt. How cool is that?!! French roulette anybody?

You can even play ball in the men's room

or test your aiming skill

Superglue ad showing off how powerful the glue is

A mobile service provider ad.

and finally, a Mr. Clean ad.

Don't you think they were brilliant!! I love it!! I wish I can come up with ideas like that..

more at funnymos.com

1 comment:

pocketcookie said...

Funny examples. Check out my selections of guerrilla ads: http://pocketcookie.net/category/advertising/%E2%87%92-guerrilla/