Monday, September 22, 2008


I have a friend, whenever she's here for outstation she won't venture outside of the hotel she's staying if she's alone.

If she's hungry, she'll order room service.
If she's bored, she subcribe to the hotel's internet service. (Sanggup walaupun mahal!!!)

Every morning, she'll make sure the hotel will get her a cab to commute to and fro her office.

I asked her,

"Why la don't go out alone onieeee??"

She replied.

"Don't want la. Macam bodoh jalan-jalan alone. Besides I don't know what to do if I'm alone"

Hhhmmm... Got a like that??

I've never had any problem walking around alone. In fact I prefer being alone. Of course they're times I feel the need to be around people and hang out with my friends.

I love spending "me" time in the bookstore. Alone. I can do it the whole day but these days I rarely had that opprtunity anymore.

I love doing my shopping alone. I'm not really the kind of person who needs to get other people's opinion on the stuff that I'll be purchasing. If I like it and reasonable enough, beli ja la.

Other things that I've done.

Watch movie alone - DONE!
Eat at kedai makan alone - DONE! (like almost every weekend punnnn...)
Go holidaying alone - DONE! (Planning for my second solo trip)
Move out and stay on my own - IN THE PROCESS

Ok enough about that.

I read somewhere that Malaysian are a bunch of busy bodies.

They like to ask personal questions eventhough on the first meeting. Especially the makciks! I find it annoying!!

"How old are you?"
"Really aaa.. You look so old hoh!"

"Where you work?"
"Waaaaa... Mesti banyak duit kan? How much you get paid every month?"

"Kahwin already?"
"Nochet kawin aaa? Why want to wait long-long, later no body want you anymore tau!"

Kedebushhhh!!!! If I want any advise I'll ask for one okay.

I swear if ada orang tanya again whether I'm married or not, this will be my standard answer from now on,

"Yes, I'm married. I have a husband AND a wife. Currently I have 5 kids and counting plus a bunch of farm animals."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i loikee ur answer...